Worldwide Evangelistic Missionary Ministries Church (WEMMY) is a family of believers welcoming humanity into the love and intimate fellowship with Jesus Christ. Every message and belief upheld stems from God’s Word, the infallible source of truth to men and women, purposed to transform and purify (John 17:17). The focal point of our mission is to spread the good news of his power to set free, give life and bring salvation to all (Mark 16:15). Our ultimate goal is to grow leaders from children and adults alike that will stand strong against immorality, injustice, and rebellion. WEMMY’s heart is set on the growth, healing, and restoration of communities around the world, regardless of its numbers; we believe that one is a multitude in Christ.
As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign, and that He is the Creator of the universe (Psalm 47:7). Because of this, all people are to give an account to God over their lives and should live in reverence of him. We believe God is just and that we must obey his laws and commands, even when it contradicts man’s laws or beliefs.
The word of God teaches us that we are all sinners and in need of God’s forgiveness (Romans 3:23). It is only through the love and mercy Christ, demonstrated on the cross, that we have redemption of our sins. Once we confess our sins and truly repent, the atonement of Jesus’ sacrifice wipes away all our guilt. We then learn to love others and lead them unto salvation as well. We demonstrate our sincere decision to live by His word and accept him by partaking in baptism. We hold to God’s word that there is “…one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Ephesians 4:5). Let’s worship him together!
The Coronation Event: Children in all grade levels are encouraged and supported in academic endeavors throughout the year to participate. Children and youth pursue being crowned queens and kings in a red-carpet event that celebrates accomplishments.
Family Night Celebrations: A great night of fellowship is hosted alongside families and their guests. Movies, dramas, pantomime, choreographed dances, food, and music galore.
Father’s Day/Mother’s Day Celebration: A commemorative event for fathers and mothers. Encouragements and festivity via presentations and contests are also included.
Graduations: Children and youth are honored for academic transitions in this kind of celebration.
Retreats: A chaperoned event where families are invited to steal away from their routine life. All ages get to travel to a designated space to spend time with God and fellowship with others.
Thematic Workshops: An open invitation to all who have interest in the select topics offered. These encompass life-trainings, guidance, and instruction grounded in the Word of God’s principles.
Conferencing/Public-Speaking Events: Rev. Angela Jumpa participates in motivational speaking within different institutions and organizations.
Park Events: Community members and families gather for evangelism via this outdoor event that hosts a variety of dynamic activities.
Christmas Celebrations: Special gift distributions are gathered for children in attendance that day. Underprivileged children in hospitals and the community are also taken gifts.
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3233 N Market St Wichita, KS 67219